HomeEcosystem - ULTRA DETAILED NOTES by Mohd Salman sir | CSIR | GATE | IIT-JAM | MSc | PhD
Ecosystem - ULTRA DETAILED NOTES by Mohd Salman sir | CSIR | GATE | IIT-JAM | MSc | PhD
Ecosystem - ULTRA DETAILED NOTES by Mohd Salman sir | CSIR | GATE | IIT-JAM | MSc | PhD

Ecosystem - ULTRA DETAILED NOTES by Mohd Salman sir | CSIR | GATE | IIT-JAM | MSc | PhD

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Product Description

References : Ecology - Methods in cell biology by marks, Molecular biology techniques by manuels, Biotechnology by david p clarck, etc

Topics covered : Definition and basics, Productivity : Gross primary productivity (GPP), Net Primary Productivity (NPP), Secondary productivity, Net Community Productivity (NCP), factors on which primary productivity depends on, standing crop, energy flow : Incident solar radiation (ISR), photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), autochthonous, allochthonous, transfer efficiencies : consumption efficiency (C.E.), assimilation efficiency (A.E.), production efficiency (P.E.), Tropic efficiency | Lindeman's 10% law, types of ecosystems : natural, manmade, terrestrial, aquatic, lentic, lotic, wet lands : marshes , swamp, bogs, fens, ecosystem control : top-down model and bottom up model, habitat and niche, difference between fundamental niche and realized niche, niche overlap and niche width, succession : types of succession : primary succession, secondary succession, autogenic succession, allogenic succession, autotrophic succession, heterotrophic succession, progressive succession, retrogressive succession, mechanism of succession, types of climax communities : climate climax, edaphic climax, subclimax, pre-climax, post-climax, Disclimax (disturbance climax), Models of succession : Facilitation model or relay floristic model, tolerance model, Inhibition model, theories of climax : monoclimax, polyclimax, climax pattern theory, deflected succession, ecosystem engineers, foundation species. etc.

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